3 health benefits of trapping

St Clair trapper and local physiotherapist Duncan shares 3 health benefits that trappers gain when out walking trap lines.

By Duncan Grant, Reignite Physio

My name is Duncan I am a physiotherapist and keen advocate for health promotion. I am going to highlight some of my favorite/common benefits I find that I experience when I look after my trapline.  

I feel more positive 

It is more important than ever in this day and age that we take proactive measures or have robust coping strategies for our mental health. By checking the trap line regularly, I often feel rejuvenated for doing something purposeful and contributing to a greater collective/national cause.  

It counts as exercise  

If exercise was discovered today it would be headlined as the ‘wonder cure’. Even just a short walk can have huge benefits for our heart and lungs.  Most traplines require a short or even arduous walk. They often take in beautiful bush or stunning coastlines. Isn’t that more appealing working towards your daily step count outside than on a treadmill in an artificially lit gym? 

Maintain your mobility 

Stepping over logs and walking on uneven less maintained paths is brilliant for our bodies. It’s a use it or lose it approach with us humans. If we spend time moving in awkward positions, it means our body is more robust at performing that movement and hopefully less likely to get injured. Furthermore, it challenges our balance systems so could contribute to reduced falls around the house as we age.  

So here we have just a few benefits I reap from trapping. Don’t keep them to yourself! Spread the news far and wide - that you feel better and nature wins when you look after a trap line. 

Duncan works at Reignite Physio located at St Clair Golf Club. You may find him running, tramping or walking his dog Ardie.   


Shining light on our trap catch history